Client (computing) posts

PHP Ad Tracker: Site Administration Ad Banner Data Form

If you have read any of the other posts in this series you know that we have done quite a bit with our PHP ad tracker. In this session, we will look at the HTML form that calls these actions. First, we create the HTML table that will hold the form header: <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><b>Developer Drive Advertisements Administration</b></td> </tr> Next, we specify the operation (add/edit/delete/deactivate) for this...

PHP Ad Tracker Part IV: Displaying and Linking Ads

In our last session, we looked at the process of entering information on ad banners and ad clients, as well as generating ad activity reports. This week, we examine how to retrieve a random banner ad. We will also learn how to delete, activate and deactivate ads and clients. The getRandomAd() function retrieves a random ad by using the PHP rand() function. The function returns the ad’s primary key ID, client ID, title, URL and redirect path. The function also updates the activity table for this banner...
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