Articles by Jonathan Schnittger

A battle hardened software developer with a mixed and colorful background. Can't come up with a decent author bio

A quick and simple CSS3 accordion menu!

Introduction ... Building on my previous tutorial, I thought it would an idea to show how to apply what we learned to the most basic of website features, the menu! I would strongly suggest reading my previous tutorial as we'll be jumping in at the deep end here. Once again, no JavaScript was used in the making of this tutorial! Every website has a menu, and there are lots of different styles that you can use. One style that is quiet popular in web applications and mini-sites is the accordion menu. The accordion...

A basic database SCRUD class using abstract and generic modifiers

Introduction ... SCRUD is short for Select, Create, Read, Update and Delete. These are the general actions that any program will perform when working with databases. Yes, there are plenty of ORM applications ( ) out there that can replace this, but as a general introduction to abstract or generic classes and general development I still think this is worth a read. I should also explain why I have used an abstract class instead of an interface....

HTML5 and the introduction of <nav> versus <menu> elements

HTML5 introduced two new elements with seemingly identical roles ... <nav> ( ) <menu> ( ) Their use is actually quite different and you're unlikely to see both used at the same time. The <nav> element is actually for grouping <a> elements for navigating a website, and the <menu> element is for grouping both <a>, <input>, <button>...

An introduction to HTML5, CSS3 and responsive design

In this tutorial we'll be dealing with some basic HTML5 additions and their uses. We'll also be creating a simple animated gallery using just CSS3 and HTML5 In making the gallery, we'll also try and deal with responsiveness and scaling the gallery for different resolutions and devices. Throughout this tutorial JavaScript will not be used! Step 1: Understanding the HTML5 additions ... There are lots of new tags in HTML5; today we'll be dealing with the some of the most...

15 Online resources for learning web design

There is no doubt that Web design can sometimes be a little intimidating, not only is there so much to learn but the environment is ever changing and it seems as if every day there is something new that you need to learn if you want to stay up-to-date. Don't know where to start? Don't worry we have compiled some of the best resources on the web for learning web design. Some of the suggestions offered here are free while some come at a small cost. Some focus only on HTML while others will teach you anything from HTML,...

How to create a beautiful login form

In this tutorial we will be creating a login form using only CSS3 and HTML5, we will be recreating Orman Clark’s Elegant Login Form. We will create this login form in three separate steps, the first step will deal with the HTML Markup, while the second step will focus on the positioning of the elements, finally the third step will focus the styling of the different elements. Next week we will show you how to add a sign up page to your login form so be sure to check back. Step 1: The HTML Markup ... The first...

25 Web development resources to help you create better websites

As a developer I am always on the hunt for time saving resources, anything that can save me just a few minutes of time is a great help in an already hectic schedule. Compiled here is a list of 25 resources that are bound to make your life a little bit easier. I have added different CSS3 grid systems, as well as several code generators, whether you need a button or a pattern there should be something here for everyone, I have also added some font generators, if you are having problems with your code then you will...

30 most useful jQuery plugins

It seems as if the internet is filled with hundreds, if not thousands of jQuery plugins, sometimes it can be a little hard to keep track of all the new plugins, and therefore we have decided to bring you some of our favorite plugins, here is a list of 30 must see plugins. They cover all areas such as Form & Validation Plugins, Plugins for Responsive Layouts, as well as Web Typography Plugins, Animation Plugins and all sorts of other plugins. Do you think we have forgotten any plugins? If so then feel...
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