Articles > PHP


Looming PHP 7 and its effect on WordPress

It’s no big secret now that PHP 7 is just on the horizon, and with that development comes questions on how it affects sites that run on WordPress. PHP 7 is a massive update to the server-side web development language called PHP, yet it’s also going to have an impact on any PHP-powered CMS like Drupal, Joomla and Magento. Performance upgrades ... PHP 7’s biggest performance improvement is a direct response to criticism over past performance issues on the platform. The new release will provide a 50%...

How to build a simple reservation system

This article will provide a brief tutorial in using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL to build a simple reservation system. It is assumed you are already at least a little familiar with all these technologies, and the real purpose here is just to link them all together to accomplish a common task. It is intentionally over-simplified, because it is aimed at beginners. Scenario ... Let’s suppose our client owns a conference center where people can book rooms for conferences and other events....

How to automatically process digital orders with PayPal

It's not trivial to set up PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification). It requires a free Business (Premium) PayPal account, a web hosting account with PHP support, configured to allow creating HTTP socket connections using "fsockopen" function, a MySQL database set up on your web server, a mailing mechanism (for sending the product to the buyer) and a free Gmail account. It may seem like a lot, but everything except the web hosting server (which you probably already have) is free, and once it is fully...

Introducing Laravel, part 2

In the first part of this introductory mini series we looked at simple routes and views and now we’ll look at how to work with controllers and models , how these two fit in the framework and how to use them. Controllers ... In the first part of this article I showed you how to link routes to views, but as you might have noticed we still haven't added any logic and that is where controllers come into play. Controllers contain public methods that are known as actions and a simple controller that calls a view looks...

Introducing Laravel, part 1

Laravel is a PHP Web Application framework that works with the MVC pattern, as its website states: it’s the PHP framework for web artisans. Version 1.0 of Laravel was released just a couple of years ago and this PHP framework has definitely taken the community by storm with its simplicity and maintainability. Laravel makes creating web applications simple whilst also being easy to learn. Laravel works in a very focused way, allowing you to concentrate on what’s important for your application...

A Customizable WordPress Weather Widget

In this weeks tutorial we'll be creating a WordPress widget to display the current weather for a specified location. To do this we'll be using the great Weather Underground API. You can sign up for a free developer account here, or sign up for a professional account to get increase request rates. Signing Up ... Once you've signed up and registered for your API key, you should see something like the following. To actually query the API we just need the API key. The Wunderground API does not use OAuth to authenticate...

Customizing the WordPress footer by adding widgets

The footer is often overlooked when it comes to designing a site, but it's a great way to find contact details or other important pieces of information. People have been trained to look there since the days of letter writing. Even today if you look at any correspondence, utility bill or company letterhead you'll find important information. On websites it's an can be an important navigation tool, it can give you quick access to commonly needed pages that are not core to a site. In this quick tutorial we'll...

5 Quick and Easy Tricks To Improve Your WordPress Theme

There are a few behaviors I normally change when I'm writing a WordPress theme. Some of them are pretty basic, but they can really enhance the theme my making it go that extra mile. Customize The Login Page ... Even though you can't include a custom login page in your theme, it's actually quiet easy to customize the existing one. If it's just changing the logo or giving it a completely different layout, the place to start is the login_enqueue_scripts action. Here you can decide to output a simple piece of...
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