Articles > HTML


My favorite development tool set, keeping it simple

When I first started playing around with websites in the late nineties (wow, I feel old now) there wasn't much in the way of choice for development IDE's, there was really only Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia (now Adobe) Dreamweaver. Being honest they weren't great, Dreamweaver's big claim to fame was that it generated cleaner html than FrontPage. Both where poor by today's standards, this was mainly because they where WYSIWYG editors, allowing even novices to create simple pages. When I went...

Creating a simple to-do application – Part 4

This week in part 4 of creating our simple to-do application we'll be learning how to send email notifications/reminders. To do this we'll be using the PHP mail method and learning how to schedule repeatable tasks on Linux using cron. The equivalent process for Windows is the task scheduler and it is pretty self explanatory. WordPress has what it calls the wp-cron alternative, but it's use is limited as it requires someone to actually use the site. Cron ... Cron is the Unix/Linux schedule process, it...

Creating a simple jQuery plugin for Pinterest

Plugins play a great part in the success of jQuery. There are hundreds of them out there, and having the ability to create your own is a great skill to have. With all of the interest in Pinterest (no pun intended), I thought it would be a good idea to do up a quick and simple Pinterest sharing plugin for jQuery. Getting started ... First we need to grab the jQuery plugin boilerplate (function( $ ) { $.fn.pinterest = function(options) { var settings = $.extend( { }, options); return this.each(function() { });...

Adding a simple authentication using PHP require and includes

Please note that this tutorial has now been superseded by a later, more in-depth tutorial available here Continuing on with our to-do application, in this weeks snippet we're going to be using PHP's require_once function. The require_once function is similar to the require function, in that it will execute and include any php code with the calling file but with one vital difference. It will only execute once. This is important for us in this tutorial as we are going to use it to validate our user. There...

Creating a simple to-do application – Part 2

Continuing on from last weeks tutorial (Creating a simple to-do application – Part 1) and the short snippet (Turning a form element into JSON and submiting it via jQuery ), this week we'll be writing a PHP page to accept and process the form submit and return a JSON response. Installing PHP on your web server ... There are several ways to install PHP to your web server, but each is dependent on what web server you are running. The two main ones I will deal with are Microsoft's Internet Information Services...

Creating a simple to-do application – Part 1

This is the first part of a series of tutorials that aim at to cover all aspects of web development. Each part in this series will build on the previous one, covering topics such as: HTML5 CSS3 jQuery We'll also be covering slightly more advanced topics such as: AJAX PHP MySQL Email Security/Authentication Where required I will go into the basics of getting a development environment installed and configured. I will also cover basic design methodologies and best practice. The Application ... To start...

A Continuous CSS3 Animation

Introduction ... Static headers with boring backgrounds are everywhere... why don't you try and spice yours up with a simple CSS animation? I'd like you to meet Bob, he's my friendly static image and he'd really like to wave hello to you! Let's give him the chance. First up we'll need to do a quick operation and temporarily remove his arm (Sorry Bob!) Then we're going to rotate his arm (very gently) by 45 degrees. Now we can start re-assemble him using some simple HTML <div class="logo"> <div class="arm"></div>...

The humble table

Introduction ... I’m going to tell you a story, its about love, death and re-birth... Or something In the beginning there was a young html element called <table>. He had one purpose in life, to display data and life was good. But before long though he had been corrupted, his masters used him to define layout and structure. Things he was not originally designed to do, and so began the dark ages of web design. Then one day, there came a young knight called CSS, and with him he brought light to designers...
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