How to Prevent a SQL Injection Attack

A SQL injection is a common programming error the consequences of which can be really devastating. Many successful hacking attacks start when a hacker discovers a vulnerability that gives an opportunity to inject SQL code. When an SQL injection occurs, the structure of an SQL query is compromised and as a result you are left at the mercy of the potential hackers. If there is a vulnerability found, hackers can exploit it to gain access not only to your site and database but in extreme cases also to your corporate...

What Web Developers Need to Know About Cross-Site Scripting

Alice created a new social network for snowboarders to promote her company’s new line of boards. Now, a member of the social network can read reviews from other satisfied customers and click a link that brings them right to a shopping cart feature so they can make an easy purchase. Happy with the way things look, and with the thought of all the potential sales, her boss gives her the OK for the site to go live. Mallory visits the network and creates a review of her own. Noticing that she can enter a client-side...

Integrating AJAX with PHP Part I

AJAX earned its share of stardom once industry giants like Google Maps, Zoho Writer and Y!Mail Beta started to actively implement AJAX into their services. Though many webmasters out there are already using AJAX yet there is that section which is still unaware of its advantages. This tutorial will help the latter part enjoy hands-on experience with AJAX and PHP. I won’t be using jargons yet I am assuming that you understand the basics of HTML, PHP and JavaScript. What is AJAX? ... Well, AJAX won’t...

20 Best Sites Built with Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails became a popular web application framework because of how easy it promotes the rapid prototyping methodology used by web developers in rapid development. Of course, being an open source project also helped Ruby on Rails establish itself as one of the most popular web development tools as well. New developers often get caught up working with PHP over Ruby on Rails because so many applications are built using the PHP language like WordPress, Joomla, Wikipedia and others. Because of its...

SEO Techniques Web Developers Need to Learn Part 1

Web developers are hired to make things work on a web site. SEO is often considered an afterthought that is often someone else’s responsibility. However web developers can do quite a bit to help, or harm, a company’s optimization efforts. To help visitors find web sites more easily, many organizations are bringing SEO professionals in during the planning phase of a new website. If you are working without the input of someone who specializes in SEO, these tips can help guide you along the path to search...

Integrating HTML5, CSS and PHP to Create a Very Basic Contact Form

HTML5 has made her presence felt around the Internet since its launch. HTML5 has been helping webmasters to clean up their code by utilising newly introduced features of the same. It won’t be possible for me to touch base with every HTML5 feature, but I will be listing down some of those during the course of this tutorial. Forms are an integral part of any website that wants its visitors to get in touch with the owner of that website. They bridge the gap virtually between the webmaster and the website visitor....

What The Heads Up Grid Can Do For You

There was a time when Netscape and Internet Explorer were the only browsers a web developer had to worry about. But in those days, a website primarily consisted of some text, a few images and some hyperlinks. Remember, tables were still all the rage back then. Nowadays a user may have a few different browsers to choose from, multiple computers running different screen resolutions, a tablet device and a smartphone. And websites, they are a bit more complex than the good old static days. So to meet the needs...

jQuery Instead of JavaScript

jQuery has quickly become one of the most popular JavaScript libraries out there today. One of the main reasons is because of how efficient it is because when using it, developers are able to write less code. jQuery is also great tool for creating animations and effects for your websites, UI's etc. It gives us the ability to add many of the things we want out of JavaScript without bloated code. Let's look at the anatomy of a basic jQuery statement.           First thing we see is a...
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