Opera posts

Opera releases VPNs for desktop and mobile

It’s been quite a year of milestones for Opera. In March, Opera made headlines when it let users block ads natively. Now, Opera is making another huge impact by offering a free VPN (virtual private network) that’s integrated into the browser. In a recent blog post, the company announced that Opera is the first big browser to incorporate an unlimited and free VPN. This means that users won’t have to shell out extra money for VPN subscriptions or download any VPN extensions. The company’s rationale...

Create Quick and Easy Progress Bar Charts with HTML5 and CSS3

The official January 2011 launch of the robust HTML5 has brought with it a number of powerful coding elements. Among them is the <progress> tag, a very useful tool in putting together quick, attractive online presentations. CSS3 provides a highly flexible methodology for customizing default HTML5 tags. At present, both technologies are undergoing considerable revision. ‘Pseudo-elements’, such as those prefixed by -moz- and -webkit-, were implemented within the CSS3 framework...

How to Make Smooth Transitions with CSS3

In the past, the W3C debated whether page transitions belong in our CSS stylesheets, under the domain of web designers, or in our code, under the domain of web developers.  After much lobbying by both designers and developers, they created a working draft for transitions. Once this specification is officially adopted, CSS3 Transitions will become a standard tool in web browsers. Until that time, we had to rely on vendor prefixes for this feature. NOTE: IE9 does not support the CSS3 Transitions...

Skewing Web Page Elements Using The CSS3 Skew Transform

With CSS3, you can transform the appearance of Web page elements. The skew transform allows you to skew a particular element or group of elements, by supplying a number of degrees to skew along the X and Y axes. Your code needs to be tailored to the specific browsers supporting CSS3 and you do, of course, need to remember that not all browsers support these properties yet. The CSS3 skew transform can execute as the user interacts with your pages, and you can optionally include a transition within the effect....

Scaling Web Page Elements Using The CSS3 Scale Transform

CSS3 transforms allow you to apply various visual effects to the items in your Web pages, including scaling elements to either increase or decrease their size. The scale transform requires only a single CSS declaration, but to ensure your pages work in the different CSS3 supporting browsers, you do need to add amended versions of the declaration to your code. As with any transform, you can apply the CSS3 scale effect on user interaction, as well as using an animated transition. Create a Page ... Create...

Moving Web Page Elements Using The CSS3 Translate Transform

CSS3 offers a wealth of possibilities in terms of visual and interactive effects, even allowing you to create animated elements without the need for either Flash or JavaScript. In this tutorial we'll go through the process of translating a page element using a CSS3 transform. The translate function essentially moves an element by a specified distance along the X and Y axes. You do need to provide browser-specific code to create reliable transforms, but the technique is not particularly complex....
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