Tools posts

XML Schema (XSD): Using Compositors

In XML, you can use XSDs to define markup structures in varying levels of detail. Compositors are among the many XSD structures you can choose from when specifying your XML content models. The XML Schema standard supports three different compositor types, each of which indicates restrictions on the range and ordering of elements. In general terms, a compositor dictates (or describes) the composition of child elements within a parent element in an XML data source. Compositors often appear within...

Forget the Plugins, Try These WordPress Hacks

WordPress is undoubtedly one of the most popular tools on the Internet because it makes it so easy to get a functional web site up and running in such a short time. And then there are the plugins. If you want your WordPress site to do something then odds are there is a plugin that you can install to make your site do what you want it to do. But plugins pose a bit of a problem at times. Since they are created by third-party developers you never know what quality control practices are used and what security testing...

Installing and Configuring a WAMP Server on Your Computer

There are times when we are so anxious to jump into creating something new that we forget to cover the basics. For web developers it is important, actually vital, to have the ability to test your projects locally before they go live. While much of the web relies on a Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP stack, or LAMP, to power applications and dynamic websites, not everyone codes in a Linux environment. Those who prefer Windows can still replicate how their code will work by using WAMP to replicate a live web environment...
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