Uniform Resource Locator posts

PHP Ad Tracker Part III: Data Object Coding

In last week’s lesson, we looked at the variables and methods we would need to interact with the advertising database tables. This week, we’ll examine the code for the data object class file and how the other parts of the site will use these methods. First, we include the database connection string information.  This information includes the database server name, cursor location and other pertinent information. Since this information is used throughout the site, it is usually stored in a separate...

PHP Ad Tracker: Reports and Records

In the previous lesson, we examined the basic functions of our banner ad tracking system, including the retrieval of records for both banner ads and advertisers. In this lesson, we will look at the functions responsible for generating reports and manipulating the data in the ads table and advertiser table. The getClientsList() function retrieves active client records and sorts them alphabetically by client name: function getClientsList() { // get clients from db $sql = "SELECT ad_client_id,...

Creating and Manipulating Modal Popups

Occasionally, I have needed a web page to call a child page in order to display information or to be used in a way to maintain information that will then be re-displayed back on the parent page. I didn’t want the user to be able to get back to the parent page until they have performed some function on the child page. One solution for this scenario is to use Modal Popups.  In this tutorial, I will show how to use JavaScript’s window.showModalDialog() to create a Popup window and display information....

Responsive Widgets

Responsive design is a hot topic of web development these days, and with a simple (and now well supported) way of handling the ‘one site for all clients’ model (and I mean clients as in browsers/platforms/devices, not the people that give you money in return for a web site) it should well be. Redirecting mobile users to /m/ or some other cut-down area of your site is becoming a technique of the past. Using collections of utilities, such as the excellent 320&up, makes building responsively much...

SEO for Web Developers Part 2

Some experts say search only drives 30 percent of a website’s traffic. While that may seem insignificant, that 30 percent often makes up visitors who are looking for the products, services or information specific to your company so losing them could have a significant impact on how well an organization performs. In part one of this series we looked at some things that web developers need to consider when it comes to search engine optimization, but now it’s time to step up to the plate. Let’s roll...

Forget the Plugins, Try These WordPress Hacks

WordPress is undoubtedly one of the most popular tools on the Internet because it makes it so easy to get a functional web site up and running in such a short time. And then there are the plugins. If you want your WordPress site to do something then odds are there is a plugin that you can install to make your site do what you want it to do. But plugins pose a bit of a problem at times. Since they are created by third-party developers you never know what quality control practices are used and what security testing...

What Web Developers Need to Know About Cross-Site Scripting

Alice created a new social network for snowboarders to promote her company’s new line of boards. Now, a member of the social network can read reviews from other satisfied customers and click a link that brings them right to a shopping cart feature so they can make an easy purchase. Happy with the way things look, and with the thought of all the potential sales, her boss gives her the OK for the site to go live. Mallory visits the network and creates a review of her own. Noticing that she can enter a client-side...

SEO Techniques Web Developers Need to Learn Part 1

Web developers are hired to make things work on a web site. SEO is often considered an afterthought that is often someone else’s responsibility. However web developers can do quite a bit to help, or harm, a company’s optimization efforts. To help visitors find web sites more easily, many organizations are bringing SEO professionals in during the planning phase of a new website. If you are working without the input of someone who specializes in SEO, these tips can help guide you along the path to search...
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