Canvas element posts

Creating Inline SVGs with HTML5

With HTML5 you can embed SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) markup directly into your pages. In this tutorial we go through the process of including a simple SVG element in an HTML page. We will also run through the technique for altering SVGs in JavaScript in cases where this is preferable to using the HTML5 canvas element. With HTML5, developers have a choice between the canvas element and inline SVGs. Which one is preferable really depends on the details of a project. In general, SVG brings the advantage...

What Can You Do With Paper.js?

There are many JavaScript frameworks that leverage HTML5. Paper.js is one of these frameworks that uses Document Object Model (DOM) to structure objects in an easy-to-understand manner.  It offers creative and neat ways of doing lots of stuff on a Web browser that supports the <canvas> tag. It also offers a new and interesting approach to drawing vector graphics. The basic setup is shown below: <script src="js/paper.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/main.js"...

The Usefulness of the document.createElement()

The new HTML5 Markup Language has introduced several new element features not available in HTML4, for example elements like header, section, nav, footer, aside, and article. Where these new tags will work in Opera, Safari, Chrome or Firefox they will not function in Internet Explorer (version 8 and earlier). The problem is that due to the way parsing works in IE, these elements are not recognized properly. This tutorial explains how to get HTML5 tags to work in IE8 and its earlier releases. It is possible...
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