code a jQuery plugin posts

How to create your first jQuery plugin, part 2

In the first part of this tutorial we created a very simple jQuery plugin, but the main problem with what we created was that the user didn't have any control over how the tooltip would appear, and in this second part we will create the necessary code to allow the user to change the defaults and replace them with their styles.   Creating our options ... The first thing we need to do to allow the user to pass their own styles when calling the plugin is change the code we use to name the plugin, our code was: $.fn.tooltipMe...

How to create your first jQuery plugin, part 1

Creating your first jQuery plugin means that you’re no longer a beginner. You can now create something that you can use over and over again, or even package and sell to other developers. It may seem hard, but in reality creating a jQuery plugin is actually a simple process. In this article I’ll show you how simple by creating a simple tooltip plugin.   The markup ... Any jQuery plugin requires some kind of markup and in our case all the plugin will need to be able to run properly is an anchor tag that...
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