Compass posts


Control vertical rhythm using Sass and Compass

Good vertical rhythm on a website has numerous benefits: aesthetically the design will appear more balanced and polished; for the reader, the content will be more cohesive and easier to read. If you’ve ever read a content heavy website and found it hard for your eyes to jump to the start of the next line, it was probably due to a poor vertical rhythm. In the old days of print design, vertical rhythm was set using font sizes, line heights, margin and paddings, set in point (pt) size units. Today the same styling...

Use Compass In Your Sass Projects

If you have started to dive into the wonderful world of CSS preprocessors (LESS or Sass), you might have also heard of Compass. If you haven't decided on either LESS or Sass, I would make the investment and learn one, or both, of the technologies. It's well worth the time and will make your coding and development life a lot easier. Today, we're going to look at Compass, an open-source CSS authoring framework built on Sass. Similar to Sass, it is installed via the command line (Terminal in Mac OS X) and is run...
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