Cool CSS posts


Introducing the calc function

Math is a necessary (if not always welcome) tool in our programming languages. We use it constantly to make all kinds of dynamic decisions. Until recently, it wasn’t available in CSS without a pre-processor; however the introduction of the calc function to CSS3 provides a way of running Math calculations natively which increases performance and even enables mixed units. Browser support ... Unusually, in the case of the calc function browser support is actually pretty good: on the desktop it’s...

How to change text selection color with CSS

If your website has a lot of text, at some point or another people will more than likely want to select it to copy, or search on Google. Changing the text selection color is always a nice touch, it shows that you're paying attention to the finer details of the site. Today I'm going to share a quick tip that will allow you to achieve some different looks for your selected text. Browser support ... The browser support for this selector is pretty good nowadays, it's supported by all the latest versions of the most...

Feature detection with CSS @supports

Since its arrival, browser support for CSS3 has been variable, making feature detection not just a good idea but best practice. Although this detection is usually done with JavaScript, ideally it would be done within CSS which is where @supports comes in. CSS @supports allows us to have simpler and cleaner feature detection that doesn't rely on other technologies, and works even if JavaScript is disabled. Browser support ... Unfortunately as with so many cool technologies, there is the issue of browser...
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