Email client posts


Creating Bulletproof Email Buttons

Regardless of the social media networks that are popular at the time, email marketing will always be the number one way for a company or organization to connect with customers or clients. But, the average internet user has 2.3 email addresses and sends and receives an average of 112 emails a day. So what does that mean? That means your emails need to be clean, lean and quick to digest. With that in mind, I'm going to show you a great button replacement technique that will limit the number of images your email...

PHP Ad Tracker: Site Administration Ad Banner Data Form

If you have read any of the other posts in this series you know that we have done quite a bit with our PHP ad tracker. In this session, we will look at the HTML form that calls these actions. First, we create the HTML table that will hold the form header: <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><b>Developer Drive Advertisements Administration</b></td> </tr> Next, we specify the operation (add/edit/delete/deactivate) for this...

PHP Ad Tracker Part III: Data Object Coding

In last week’s lesson, we looked at the variables and methods we would need to interact with the advertising database tables. This week, we’ll examine the code for the data object class file and how the other parts of the site will use these methods. First, we include the database connection string information.  This information includes the database server name, cursor location and other pertinent information. Since this information is used throughout the site, it is usually stored in a separate...

PHP Ad Tracker: Reports and Records

In the previous lesson, we examined the basic functions of our banner ad tracking system, including the retrieval of records for both banner ads and advertisers. In this lesson, we will look at the functions responsible for generating reports and manipulating the data in the ads table and advertiser table. The getClientsList() function retrieves active client records and sorts them alphabetically by client name: function getClientsList() { // get clients from db $sql = "SELECT ad_client_id,...
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