HTML posts

Creating a Slider Control with the HTML5 Range Input

HTML5 introduces a range of new form elements and functions, including the range input type. With the range input element, you can create sliding controls for your site users. There are a number of options to choose from in terms of configuring your range inputs, such as defining the range values and steps. With a little JavaScript, you can capture and respond to user interaction with the range slider control. In this tutorial we will create a basic HTML5 range input slider to resize an image, with a JavaScript...

New ‘Intent’ Tag to Facilitate Ease of Online Data Sharing

In the rapidly evolving arena of browser standards, among the newest additions is a tag that significantly facilitates the transfer and sharing of data between online applications and services. The Google-originated ‘Web Intents’ API gives a user the ability to select an application to perform a specific action on a designated piece of data, such as an image, audio or video file, or text file. Here’s how the feature works: Say, for instance, a person wants to edit or share a photo that has been...

5 WordPress Comments Section Hacks

One thing that makes WordPress so dynamic is the ability for readers to easily post comments. This interaction between you and the readers is therefore an important element in your website and should be given the same attention as other sections of your website. So what can you do to improve the comments section on your WordPress website? 1. Removing HTML Links in User Comments ... People, and especially bloggers, are always looking to promote themselves on other websites and no doubt will try to do that...

Carrying Out Tasks in the Background with HTML5 Web Workers

HTML5 offers a range of improved options for executing JavaScript functions. With Web Workers, you can execute scripts in the background, so that intensive processing need not interfere with the main functionality of your page. Of course this is most useful for complex tasks, but in this tutorial we will demonstrate the basics of using Web Workers with your pages using a simple example. At the moment the most recent versions of all major browsers, except Internet Explorer, support Web Workers - you...

Designing Smartphone-Optimized Websites: Challenges Web Developers

Web developers are increasingly being asked to build sites that cater to smartphone Internet users, or to recast existing sites into user-friendlier formats for mobile devices. By 2015, statistical research by eMarketer predicts that more than half of the persons who access the Web will do so through a smartphone or other small-screen device. This paradigm shift represents a challenge to the established Web development community, which now has a mandate to configure Web content previously optimized...

Learning LESS: Put It Into Action

We'll finish our Learning LESS series today as we talk about putting your LESS into action on your web projects. Today's post will be slightly different than previous posts, as we won't really showcase new techniques and code examples as much as we'll talk about how to use LESS, projects you can work on to jump start your LESS development and more. Blog Series Roadmap ... An Introduction Using Variables Using Mixins Using Nested Rules Using Functions Divide and Conquer Put It Into Action Coding With...

Allowing Users to Resize Web Page Elements with CSS3

With CSS3 you can give your users a greater level of control over how they view your pages without having to employ complex JavaScript functions. Using the resize property in CSS3, you can set elements to be automatically resizable. These elements appear within the browser with a subtle indicator at the bottom right corner letting users know that the element is resizable. On clicking and dragging the corner, the user can resize your element. The resize property in itself is not complex, but can have...

Up and Running With Custom Post Types Part 2

In part one of our post Up and Running With Custom Post Types, we covered the concept behind WordPress's Custom Post Type feature, and how to get started by creating your own custom post type. We also covered ways to keep it modular by utilizing a separate PHP file, allowing you to port the post type from theme to theme. In this post, we'll cover creating Taxonomies for your custom post types, creating custom fields and meta boxes, saving your data and using it in your WordPress themes. Let's get rollin'!...
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