Style Sheets posts


CSS for Twitter-Like Hover Effects

Here's a cool CSS technique that we can use to give a hover effect to a group of divs, and then an additional effect to the element being hovered on! Twitter uses this effect with their sharing links on a tweet. When you hover over an individual tweet, the reply, retweet and favorite links appear, like this: But then when you place your cursor over one of the links, it becomes underlined, while the others remain revealed, but not underlined, like this: In this example we'll create the same effect. We'll use...

Designing Smartphone-Optimized Websites: Challenges Web Developers

Web developers are increasingly being asked to build sites that cater to smartphone Internet users, or to recast existing sites into user-friendlier formats for mobile devices. By 2015, statistical research by eMarketer predicts that more than half of the persons who access the Web will do so through a smartphone or other small-screen device. This paradigm shift represents a challenge to the established Web development community, which now has a mandate to configure Web content previously optimized...

Learning LESS: An Introduction

Today, I'm proud to start a series of posts that will focus on LESS, the dynamic language that takes your CSS and puts it on steroids. LESS let's you use variables, mixins, nested rules, and even functions within your CSS. It's extremely powerful and can dramatically speed up your development. There is a little bit of a learning curve to it, but once you wrap your head around it, you won't type CSS again without using LESS. Blog Series Roadmap ... An Introduction Using Variables Using Mixins Using Nested...
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