SVG posts

How to simplify SVG with Raphael

Bitmaps are by far the most commonly used image format on web pages. When the images we want to show are photos, that makes sense.  But when it comes to illustrations and GUI components, bitmaps are wasteful. Many designers actually do make extensive use of bitmap images directly in user interfaces. Personally I don’t feel this is a good approach, but the blame for it becoming habitual stems from the extensive use and recommendation of Photoshop for interface design. Vector graphics offer numerous...

How to get started with Snap.svg

Animating and transversing SVG files with Javascript is actually not such an easy task and plugins like Snap.svg make our lives much easier when it comes to animating our SVG files. This library is one that aims to help Web Developers easily bring advanced SVG features to the Web, with it we can load, animate and even create SVG graphics right in the browser. The creator of this plugin is also the creator or Raphael, also an SVG plugin. The main difference between these two resources is that Snap aims...

Introducing Snap.svg

One of the best ways of presenting graphics online is as scaleable vector graphics. That’s because SVG can adapt to any screen size, without losing quality. The increased demand for the format has lead to the open source Snap.svg library. What is Snap.svg? ... Snap is a JavaScript library that aims to help web developers bring advanced SVG features to the Web. This library can load, animate or even create SVG graphics right in the browser. Snap was written by Dmitry Baranovskiy who was also the writer...

Creating Inline SVGs with HTML5

With HTML5 you can embed SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) markup directly into your pages. In this tutorial we go through the process of including a simple SVG element in an HTML page. We will also run through the technique for altering SVGs in JavaScript in cases where this is preferable to using the HTML5 canvas element. With HTML5, developers have a choice between the canvas element and inline SVGs. Which one is preferable really depends on the details of a project. In general, SVG brings the advantage...
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