Of all the technologies web developers need to master, it seems the one that causes the most confusion and potential problems is drag ‘n’ drop. This is not a new technology, it’s been around for years, but many developers are still clinging to old jQuery based methods to implicate complicated (sometimes slow and inaccurate) drag-and-drop emulation. Now that HTML5 includes a drag-and-drop API, you already have a very simple way to implement drag-and-drop without headaches. Understanding...
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) have really changed the way we think about web page design, and they've certainly made creating awesome designs much simpler than it used to be. Still, for such a great technology, there's a huge amount that designers and developers need to learn in order to truly master the entire skill set required to earn the title of CSS Ninja. 1. Create an organized library of CSS that fits your design philosophy ... Every time you do something in CSS that achieves a perfect result, you...
These days recycling is all the rage, and one of the more interesting things to note is you can recycle just about anything. In this article, I’m going to introduce you to a new kind of recycling: the Frankensite! “What the heck is a Frankensite?” you ask. A Frankensite, as the name implies, is a kind of monster. You make an entirely new website from the decomposed remains of other websites, selecting only the choicest parts. Now take note, because this is very important... I am not talking about plagiarism....
You may be wondering what the point is of creating virtual glass. Well, just like in the offline world, glass is used when you want to protect something but still be able to see what lies underneath. Besides that, with a little imagination you can create some cool effects for enhancing your web presentations or games. As a practical example, we'll be creating an over-simplified version of a graphic which is taken from a real-world training product, just to get familiar with the concept but without a high...
A large number of new websites—perhaps even the overwhelming majority of them—have started to take on a really familiar look: there is a navigation bar at the top of the screen—usually inverse in color to the rest of the page—followed by a huge carousel of images (both in terms of physical size and the number of images it contains), often some kind of hideous Google AdSense advertisements, and then finally, if we're lucky, there will be some actual content to read before we have to reach for the...
This article will provide a brief tutorial in using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL to build a simple reservation system. It is assumed you are already at least a little familiar with all these technologies, and the real purpose here is just to link them all together to accomplish a common task. It is intentionally over-simplified, because it is aimed at beginners. Scenario ... Let’s suppose our client owns a conference center where people can book rooms for conferences and other events....
Bitmaps are by far the most commonly used image format on web pages. When the images we want to show are photos, that makes sense. But when it comes to illustrations and GUI components, bitmaps are wasteful. Many designers actually do make extensive use of bitmap images directly in user interfaces. Personally I don’t feel this is a good approach, but the blame for it becoming habitual stems from the extensive use and recommendation of Photoshop for interface design. Vector graphics offer numerous...
The arrival of HTML5 has opened up a world of exciting possibilities for us as developers. The idea that you can quickly develop very high quality 2D and 3D games that run directly in the browser using simple JavaScript commands and without having to make use of any proprietary components to make it work could probably inspired you to finally get around to attempting that game idea you’ve been nurturing for years. Then when you actually go to do it and you see just how many new things you will have to...