Search results for "css3 transition"


Using CSS3 to provide smooth resize effects

Ever noticed if you resize your browser window with Gmail open (or Asana or a host of other sites) the various elements on screen resize automatically in a smooth animation? This can be done using JavaScript or jQuery, but can also be achieved using CSS3 transitions and @media selectors. Introduction to @media selectors ... If you already have a responsive design you'll probably be familiar with @media selectors. If you're not familiar, they are essentially a way of applying specific CSS classes to...

A WordPress slider template (with CSS3 animations and minimal jQuery)

Almost every site you see these days has an image slider on the front page. They come in all sizes and depending on who you ask, they have limited benefit to a sites traffic or navigation compared to the amount of space they take up. But they look pretty and when used correctly can be fairly effective. This tutorial aims to create a simple WordPress page template with a slider that allows you to include a few posts that have been added to a slider category. To make it more interesting, we're going to make it book-markable,...

A quick and simple CSS3 accordion menu!

Introduction ... Building on my previous tutorial, I thought it would an idea to show how to apply what we learned to the most basic of website features, the menu! I would strongly suggest reading my previous tutorial as we'll be jumping in at the deep end here. Once again, no JavaScript was used in the making of this tutorial! Every website has a menu, and there are lots of different styles that you can use. One style that is quiet popular in web applications and mini-sites is the accordion menu. The accordion...

An introduction to HTML5, CSS3 and responsive design

In this tutorial we'll be dealing with some basic HTML5 additions and their uses. We'll also be creating a simple animated gallery using just CSS3 and HTML5 In making the gallery, we'll also try and deal with responsiveness and scaling the gallery for different resolutions and devices. Throughout this tutorial JavaScript will not be used! Step 1: Understanding the HTML5 additions ... There are lots of new tags in HTML5; today we'll be dealing with the some of the most...

Animating Buttons with CSS3

Many of the emerging techniques in CSS3 are particularly well suited to interactive Web page elements such as buttons. In this tutorial we will explore using CSS3 properties including transforms, transitions, box shadows, backgrounds and rounded corners. We will be working with an anchor element, animating the button when it is in hover state. Most modern browsers support the bulk of the properties we will be using, but users with non-supporting browsers will still be able to see and interact with...

Rotating Web Page Elements Using The CSS3 Rotate Transform

With CSS3, you can rotate Web page elements by a specified number of degrees, clockwise or anti-clockwise. With a small amount of HTML and JavaScript code in conjunction with CSS declarations, you can also animate these rotations. In this tutorial we will work through the process of rotating an image element by varying amounts as well as animating the function, initiating the rotation on user interaction with the page. Create a Page ... Save a new HTML file in your chosen editor, using the following...

Transforming Elements in 3D Using CSS3

With CSS3, you can apply animated effects on Web page elements in 3D as well as 2D. In this tutorial we will go through the basics of rotating in 3 dimensions and will combine these transforms with the scale and translate transforms for more complex results. We will also add a basic level of interaction to animate the effects as the user interacts with the page. Create a Page with an Image Element ... Create a basic page with a CSS section in the head area, as follows: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>...

Skewing Web Page Elements Using The CSS3 Skew Transform

With CSS3, you can transform the appearance of Web page elements. The skew transform allows you to skew a particular element or group of elements, by supplying a number of degrees to skew along the X and Y axes. Your code needs to be tailored to the specific browsers supporting CSS3 and you do, of course, need to remember that not all browsers support these properties yet. The CSS3 skew transform can execute as the user interacts with your pages, and you can optionally include a transition within the effect....
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