What Can You Do With Paper.js?

There are many JavaScript frameworks that leverage HTML5. Paper.js is one of these frameworks that uses Document Object Model (DOM) to structure objects in an easy-to-understand manner.  It offers creative and neat ways of doing lots of stuff on a Web browser that supports the <canvas> tag. It also offers a new and interesting approach to drawing vector graphics. The basic setup is shown below: <script src="js/paper.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/main.js"...

Developing a Responsive Website: Secondary Page Part 2

We’re going to wrap up our tutorial on how to develop a responsive website this week by making our secondary page, well, responsive. We created our large layout for the page in our last tutorial, but now we want to make it fluid so that it will display nicely across various platforms, ranging from tablets and mobile devices to PC’s.  Let’s take a quick peak at what we’re working towards. Notice how once we hit the skinnier, mobile version of the site we go to a more vertical layout.  This makes it...

How to Create and Use WordPress Custom Menus

WordPress 3.0 introduced users to a powerful feature: custom menus. Now, without the need for plugins, we can exclude, include, and rearrange our page links at will, displaying a different menu for different pages, and with some code, even different users entirely. How to Create a Custom WordPress Menu ... Creating a custom menu is simple. Log into your WordPress Administrative Dashboard and select “Menus” under the appearance tab. From here, select the “Menu Name” input and give your new...

Skewing Web Page Elements Using The CSS3 Skew Transform

With CSS3, you can transform the appearance of Web page elements. The skew transform allows you to skew a particular element or group of elements, by supplying a number of degrees to skew along the X and Y axes. Your code needs to be tailored to the specific browsers supporting CSS3 and you do, of course, need to remember that not all browsers support these properties yet. The CSS3 skew transform can execute as the user interacts with your pages, and you can optionally include a transition within the effect....

Developing a Responsive Website: Secondary Page

We’re going to begin to wrap up our tutorial on creating a responsive website this week by creating a secondary services page to feature the necessary, and important, content of our site.  Keeping a sites layout visually appealing is a crucial aspect of keeping a visitor on your site. Having a simple box filled with verbiage running from left to right is not very inviting, nor aesthetically pleasing.  When displayed like that, the sheer amount of text could be enough to cause your visitor to quickly...

Creating a Responsive Website: The Footer Part 2

We’re going to pick up where we left off in our last tutorial on creating our responsive web design footer. In the last tutorial you may recall that we laid out the large version of our footer and inserted a Twitter feed as well.  In this tutorial we’re going to finish off our footer by making it responsive and plugging in the jQuery necessary to make our Twitter feed work. If your dog ate your work up until this point, you can download the source code here. Before we get started, let’s take another quick...

Scaling Web Page Elements Using The CSS3 Scale Transform

CSS3 transforms allow you to apply various visual effects to the items in your Web pages, including scaling elements to either increase or decrease their size. The scale transform requires only a single CSS declaration, but to ensure your pages work in the different CSS3 supporting browsers, you do need to add amended versions of the declaration to your code. As with any transform, you can apply the CSS3 scale effect on user interaction, as well as using an animated transition. Create a Page ... Create...

Creating and Manipulating Modal Popups Part II

In the last post, Creating and Manipulating Modal Popups, I discussed what the JavaScript method showModalDialog is used for and how to implement it in your website. Part two of this topic will focus on using popups to manipulate data and pass information from the child page back to the parent. User Experience ... Manipulating data in the popup window can be tricky, because modal windows do not function like normal ones. In a normal window, when your page does a postback, the postback is rendered...
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