Advanced JavaScript posts

11 Experimental JavaScript Projects Pushing The Boundaries Of Scripting

Web technology grows so much larger with each passing year. I’m constantly stunned by the amazing projects I stumble onto and the level of detail that goes into building them. Recently I covered some crazy CSS projects and in this post I wanna take it the other way. I’ve scoured the web looking for 11 of the coolest JS-powered projects out there. All of these run on CodePen so they’re all open sourced and easy to edit/fork if you wanna play around. 1. Valorous Rabbit Run ... Developer Karim Maaloul...

Creating a simple glass effect with Raphaël

You may be wondering what the point is of creating virtual glass. Well, just like in the offline world, glass is used when you want to protect something but still be able to see what lies underneath. Besides that, with a little imagination you can create some cool effects for enhancing your web presentations or games. As a practical example, we'll be creating an over-simplified version of a graphic which is taken from a real-world training product, just to get familiar with the concept but without a high...

How to chart your hours with APIs, JavaScript, and SVG

I log every minute I spend at a computer. Ever since I became a full-time freelancer, I’ve been tracking my time, assigning each moment of my day to a project and a sub-task. It all started from a desire to make the best possible return on my time. As a freelancer who charged hourly, each and every minute had a monetary value. I’ve since relaxed my approach, but some positive aspects of time-watching have stuck with me. The over-used Drucker quote goes something like “What’s measured improves”,...

How to use the Dribbble API

One of the websites most commonly used by designers to showcase their work is most definitely Dribbble and most designers already have their shots on dribble so why not combine the best of both worlds and use the Dribbble Api and Jribbble to showcase the shots in your portfolio ? In this article we’ll create a simple one page portfolio with some text, social links and your latest Dribbble shots that you can use as the basis for your next portfolio.   The HTML ... Before we start with the actual...

Introducing PhysicsJS

A lot of us create JavaScript animations in our projects, these animations are usually simple and require no physics whatsoever. PhysicsJS aims to change that by making it easy for us to add physics to our JavaScript animations without slowing download time. This library is modular, that means you only need to load what you want to use, and the core files are just 31kb. Why use this library ? ... One of the reasons is its modular workflow. This has the advantage of removing the clutter you don’t need and...
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