WordPress security posts

8 Best Security Plugins for WordPress

Being the most popular content management system in the world, WordPress is also one of the favorite targets of hackers. Therefore, using a reliable security plugin on your WordPress site is literally the most important site management tasks you need to perform. Experts usually recommend making security plugin installation top priority whenever you start a new WordPress site. Most attacks targeting WordPress are not against a particular website but intend to exploit common vulnerabilities....

22 Guides to Securing the Four Most Popular CMS

We live in a world where “script kiddies” is both a pejorative term, and the name of an actual threat. People of all hacking skill levels are trying to break in to other people’s sites for fun and profit. And they pull it off sometimes. Hacked sites are a nightmare. I mean, if you’re lucky, they might just post on your blog and call you ugly. If you’re unlucky, they could steal enough information about your users to access their money and steal their identities. In either case, it looks bad for you....

4 Security Measures Every WordPress Site Needs

Have you ever thought about the security of your WordPress installation? Or rather has your installation ever been attacked or hacked? Well, security is one very important feature that every other developer is always worried about. In this article, I would like us to discuss ways of making your installation secure to avoid attacks from hackers who might want to hijack your work and gain unauthorised access. There are several factors to check in making your installation secure, ranging from the strength...

How to setup two-factor authentication for WordPress

With the constant barrage of sites being hacked, security should be of paramount concern to developers. Especially when using a platform such as WordPress, which is constantly under attack from nefarious bots. The thing is, the size and popularity of a website doesn’t matter so much. Bots are looking for any WordPress site, regardless of size. So anyone from enterprise to small business needs to take steps to better secure their website. One of the most common methods bots use are brute-force login...

7 essential steps for hardening WordPress

WordPress is well known to be a target for hackers. So, anything you can do to harden your WordPress site is a sensible thing to do; and should be part of your overall design process. I’ll look at some of the main areas that should be on your list of potential areas of weakness and what you can do to add greater levels of security and protection. The general areas that need to have attention are shown below but you may have site specific security requirements too, so bear this in mind: Access control to the...
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